2024 Short-Term Mission Trips

Covenant is recruiting for short-term mission trips in 2024!

To apply, you must turn in a Short-Term Missions Application to Phyllis Hamm with a $100 deposit. You can pay by cash, check, or online (indicate name of trip and “short-term trip deposit”). If you have any questions or need more information, contact Henry Morris (hmorris@covpres.com) or Phyllis Hamm (phamm@covpres.com) by email or by calling the church office at (205) 871-7002. Short-term trips are an opportunity to serve the body of Christ and have our hearts inspired as we see God at work around the world. Please be praying about participating!

Athens, Greece | May 11 - 20

We will serve at Damaris Community House, a rescue and recovery house for trafficked women. Women will engage in crafts projects with Damaris Community House women and men will do light construction.
Cost: $1,300 + airfare ($1,854 as of January 13)
Application Deadline: February 4
Team: 8 people

Tegucigalpa, Honduras | June 1 - 9

We will serve the MTW church-planting team through light construction, mercy ministry in the city, and evening childcare during their Bible conference. We will have an informational meeting for this trip on February 21 at 5:15 pm, during Wednesday night dinner.
Cost: $950 + airfare ($1,070 as of January 13)
Application Deadline: March 3
Team: 12 people

London, UK | June 30 - July 8

We will participate in cross-cultural training in the morning and evangelistic book tables in the afternoons as part of the SERGE LEAP Project (London Evangelism and Prayer week). We will have an informational meeting for this trip on February 27 at the end of the Global Missions Festival.
Cost: $1,100 + airfare ($1,560 as of January 13)
Application Deadline: March 3
Team: 10 people

Manchester, New Hampshire | July 20 - 27

Our team will host an Explorer Camp for children in the community with Church of the Redeemer (PCA).
Cost: $1,500 - $1,750
Application Deadline: May 27
Team: 20 people

Note: The Missions Committee will help offset the cost of these trips for Covenant members.